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6 Questions My Plants Inspire Me to Ask Myself

There is so much we can learn about our personal growth through admiring and caring for plants. Take a look at 6 questions my plants inspire me to ask myself.

It's all about the environment

Plants teach me the importance of cultivating a healthy environment. Creating a thriving environment is like setting the stage for our plant babies to flourish. Like us, they have their needs: temperature, humidity, light, soil, water, and nutrients. It's like a cozy paradise for them. But if they're missing something they need, it's a recipe for stunted growth or, even worse, kicking the bucket.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on you and me. What's your personal environment like? Is it working for you?

What's making us flourish, and what's holding us back? For me, a healthy environment is all about a tidy home, awesome friends, healthy relationships, and my online community that's always got my back. The things around me feed my soul and challenge my perspectives in a thoughtful and meaningful way. 

It's ok to let go

Plants are the ultimate life coaches. They remind us to let go of what no longer serves you. They've taught me a thing or two about the importance of letting go. Take a tree, for instance. It's got no time to waste holding on to stuff that's not doing it any good. When a leaf of a tree dies, it's shed away. The tree doesn't hold on to what's dead because it drains energy that it could be using elsewhere. 

A lesson learned from the tree: sometimes you must let go of what's dead and utilize your energy elsewhere. 

What do you need to let go of? 

In week one of my Dig Deeper challenge, I listed some insecurities impacting my psyche over the last year. I need to let go of the biases and beliefs associated with those insecurities, which are rooted in trying to keep me safe by avoiding disappointment and anxiety if they come true.

Plants don't have a problem letting you know something is off; they make it clear through their appearance. When a plant isn't treated right, it doesn't wait long to let you know. Yellowing or browning leaves, wilting, lack of growth, or abnormal stems could be signs that your plant is in distress and needs something more or less.

Understanding signs of distress

Plants don't have a problem letting you know something is off, and they will make it very clear through their appearance by way of the color of their leaves, the wilt of their stem, or the lack of progress and growth. When a plant ain't getting treated right it doesn't wait time letting you know. Yellowing or browning of leaves, wilting, lack of growth, abnormal stems could be a sign that your plant is in distress and needs more or less or something.

What are the signs you are in distress or triggered?

Does your heart beat fast? Do you sweat? Do you get passive-aggressive? These are occurrences that I have experienced when triggered. For me, it's a sign that something needs to be adjusted, which might be my perspective or environment.

Evaluate why it isn't going well

If your plant isn't growing, find out why. Evaluate reasons for lack of growth. No growth means something in the environment is missing. Now, to be clear, there is a difference between slow growth and no growth. Research your plant and get to know its growth rate, then determine if it's growing appropriately. In most instances, a change to the environment will make your plant come alive.

What do I need to improve to increase my personal growth?

I need to improve my self-view and discipline. I am currently working on this by reading a book called "The Power of Discipline" while doing a workout challenge called 75 Medium. I'm hoping successfully completing the 75 Medium will give me the pride I need to push forward with achieving my goals and learning what discipline can lead to.

Understanding needs

Growth is not a one-size-fits-all process. Although many of the same needs are necessary for plants, our plants may need these things provided in different ways and at different frequencies and amounts. Lilies need a lot of water. Anthuriums need to be watered with ice cubes. Orchids typically do better when given warm water. My cactus plant requires lots of sunlight. I discovered that my plants all had the same basic needs, but those needs had to be met differently.

What are your specific and unique needs?

I need my space. I enjoy spaces with a chill and safe vibe where I can just be me. Being an introvert, I'm all about that quality alone time. I love wrapping up in a cozy blanket, binge-watching my fave show, or treating myself to a solo adventure at a cool local spot. The only child in me needs her me-time, but I also crave those special moments with the people who matter most. Balance, right? It's all about finding that sweet spot between solitude and connection.

Learning from failure

Your plants will struggle at times, and naturally, so will you. Failure can feel awful, but you can reap its benefits as you learn how to sit with the discomfort to discover what it is trying to teach you. You have the power to change your perspective on failure. The key to growth after a setback is to figure out what changes you can make and apply them the next time.

What has a recent failure taught you?

No matter how often you do the same thing, it will always offer a different experience. Isn't it wild that no matter how often you do something, it's never quite the same? Each time brings its own vibe, its twists and turns. It's like life's always throwing us these little curveballs, keeping things interesting.

Unpack your past trauma with Dig Deeper: A 21-Week Guide to Self-Discovery Through Plants! In week 3 you will learn about factors that promote healthy growth for you and your plant.

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